With Filestar you get 158 different skills for working productively with Word Document (.doc) files.
About .Doc
Word Document
A DOC file is a word processing document created by Microsoft Word, or another word processing program, such as OpenOffice Writer or Apple Pages. It may contain formatted text, images, tables, graphs, charts, page formatting, and print settings.
Digital data has made it possible for Government agencies, corporates, businesses, and individuals to access and share huge amounts of data ranging from texts, audio, video, and images. This has created the necessity for proper digital data storage. Let's explore the best storage file formats.
As an accountant, you tackle a large amount of files and reports on a daily basis. Order among sheets, papers and documents is a must. For many, the job also includes a lot of manual administrative and repetitive tasks. Things that really could be done more swiftly with the right tools and tricks.
The competition between Apple and Microsoft hasn't just begun neither is it ending soon. The two have some of the most outstanding and popular applications used in computers today. So, which application suite is best for you? Let us give you some guidance along the way.