Two-Step-Conversions in Filestar
A decade or so ago many of the files we shared were problematic either to the sender or recipient. And sometimes to both parties. Either the files were too big or unsupported by the devices used to open them. For years, we had to contend with images, music, or video that took so much space. To the extent of acquiring enough bandwidth and time to upload or download these files. In today’s digital world, file conversion tools came in to save the day.
Somewhere along the way, developers began to take advantage of the messy and chaotic file world. They offered really expensive file conversion solutions and companies had no option but to buy it. Soon after, websites began offering online conversion at a price or for free. The only problem was that the vast majority of them were filled with viruses, adware, bloatware, or malware.
And the best thing that came out of the whole file conversion need was legitimate and very affordable sites that could convert any type of file to hundreds of formats. The icing on the cake, no file corruption, or adware.
Filestar is one of these apps. It allows you to convert files to ideal formats for sharability, consistency, and security. In addition to automated batch file conversion, you can now perform a two-step conversion.
For instance, you want to convert your word document to PDF to share with others then convert to TIFF for high-quality publishing. Here is how to go about it.
Convert Word to PDF to TIFF
First, we’ll download the latest Filestar version.
Then we convert Word to PDF by:
1. Right-click on one or more Docx file(s) on your desktop and select convert with Filestar.
2. Type convert to pdf in the search box.
3. Press Convert.
After the conversion, don’t exit from the Filestar app. Press the Start Over button

Then upload your file and Convert PDF to TIFF

And that’s it.
With Filestar, you can click within the application to convert from a recently finished conversion.
Whether it’s from heic to jpg then pdf, you’re good to go.
Ready to utilize two-step file conversion?