Blog posts

Best Apps to Scan Old Photographs to Digital
You don’t have to worry about your old ‘Kodak’ moments fading away in the corner of your house. With these 4 apps, you can digitize a week’s worth of work in a few hours.

Filestar Hits Milestone with 1 million Conversions
Manual and repetitive work with files is a waste of time according to Filestar. We describe ourselves as a swiss army knife for everything you might want to do to a file on your computer. Recently we passed the milestone of having provided 1 million file conversions.

How to Convert Embroidery File Formats
Embroidery files contain information on how a specific embroidery design will be stitched on an embroidery machine. Ever wondered how you can convert these file formats from one to another without losing relevant information? Well, read on!

All about 3D File Conversions
3D file formats are increasing by the day and this isn't a bad thing. The only quibble comes when 3D format file users have to collaborate on a file. It's impossible to work on one file when using different file formats. And that's where 3D file conversions come in.

How to Convert RAW Files
Are you worried about how you'll share, save, or upload your RAW image files? Well, Filestar got you covered. You can easily convert your processed and edited RAW images to any portable and lightweight image file. Read on!

Top List of the Most Popular Skills on Filestar
Have you been wondering what our top skills are according to our clients? Here is a list of the most popular tasks and why they are so common.