Making web page design into an image - convert HTML to GIF
We have come a long way from when the web was just plain text. Can you imagine how boring it must have been? Luckily, it wasn’t long before the capability to embed another attention-grabbing type of content was added.
When you hear of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) a web page typically comes to mind. It’s the standard web format file. It is a webpage coded in HTML and is viewed in a web browser. HTML files may contain images, texts, tables, or any other content displayed on a webpage. Additionally, these files let you format the content of a web page.
So, why would you want to convert .html file into .gif?
Well, HTML is the code that creates a webpage features and functionality that will eventually be published online. However, before going live, you might need a second or third opinion on your web design. Resulting in the need to save your page design in a large printed document.
GIF 9 (Graphics Interchange Format) files are your perfect solution as they store webpages as graphics. They are mainly used for web images and sprites in software packages. Also, they can be opened by most applications. These files use lossless compression so the image quality remains top-notch. The only shortfall is that they can only show a maximum of 256 colors therefore, not ideal for storing digital camera photos.
Converting HTML to GIF
There are many online applications that can help you carry out the file conversion. However, we recommend our desktop application Filestar that is very easy to use, and most of all secure. We understand time is money. Whether it’s a single image or a batch of images, Filestar gives you saves you time by doing it in just a few clicks.
Here is how to convert HTML to GIF.