Filestar for Project Managers
As a project manager, the one critical thing we all agree you should have in spades is stamina and resilience to keep you going when things get rough. You are the go-between the company’s business and technical teams making you the problem-solver and decision-maker at all times. Generally, you work harder than all to ensure all teams remain productive. Managing different teams to bring a product or service to life can turn out to be chaotic. Everyone expects you to not only bit the deadline but also to be as efficient as possible and keep the budget.
Being in this position, you handle multiple files, documents, emails, flowcharts, and presentation documents from the various teams reporting to you. Currently, there are various applications that help delegate, manage, and monitor your teams’ activities. The truth is, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Today we’ll look at some efficiency hacks that can help you deal with the madness on your desk.
Filestar provides smart solutions that help you and your team save time on repetitive tasks ensuring you have enough time to complete the project.
1. Image files
You have to work with various vector image files that showcase product designs and flowcharts. Also, there are multiple photos and images to show the progress of your work, competitor’s designs, and final output among others. Luckily, you don’t have to do all this manually or one at a time. Filestar automates these repetitive tasks for you. These are what you can do within a few minutes.
- Resize
- Compress
- Crop
- Flip or rotate
- Add filters
- Convert image files
- Make black and white
2. Document files
As project reporting is your forte, having hundreds of documents isn’t a mystery. From Word (.doc) to Excel (.xls), .pdf files, .txt, .abw files among many more. To develop and send comprehensive reports, you have to combine different files and data from various sources reporting to you. Being able to convert one document file to another seamlessly without any data loss is vital to your day-to-day job.
Not to worry, Filestar helps you to efficiently convert multiple files without a hassle. For instance, you can
- Convert .doc to .pdf
- Convert .xls to .pdf
3. Presentation files
You can’t be a project manager and not have various presentation meetings in the course of your day. All project stakeholders need to know how their project is coming along, challenges faced, etc. moreover, you have to be agile, ready to adapt to product needs as they arise. If a change needs to happen, investors and stakeholders need to know and understand why.
With Filestar, you can convert the details and information you need to use into a powerful .ppt presentation file. From Excel graphs and analytic reports to Word and PDF documents.
4. Logos
If you are handling multiple projects, you have various logos passing through your desk for approval. You don’t have to use a graphic designer to add texts, watermarks, change the font, or file format. Filestar lets you do these with a few clicks.
- Add text
- Add watermark
- Convert font files
- Convert to .ai or .svg