Filestar for Lawyers
The legal profession is extremely demanding and you are called upon to maximize on the billable hours to earn your keep. It’s no joke here as the more billable hours you have, the more valuable you are. For lawyers, pulling an all-nighter isn’t strange, it’s almost a tradition. But, it’s not just about clocking in and cramming as many billable hours as you can. It’s about having an exceptional performance and creating an efficient workflow.
Whether you are in litigation, corporate, criminal, or having an in-house role, you find yourself working 12-14 hours a day. With interruptions, screen time, court trips, and so many other commitments vying for your time, the work-life equilibrium becomes almost like a myth. All this without mentioning the number of case files on your desk.
Filestar is the answer to your prayers when it comes to handling all your documents, image, video, and audio files. You need to preserve your energy levels for your client cases and let us handle the repetitive file tasks for you.
Ready to be more productive? Here are some smart solutions that you can start applying today!
1. Document files handling
Reading and documents sum up most of your day. From case files to contracts, briefs, and commentaries, your legal research and writing are based on handling various documents. You might need to convert a Word document to PDF file to avoid contract tampering. Or you may have to merge some PDF document pages together to create a comprehensive document file. In some cases, you have to split or extract pages from a PDF document.
Additionally, most of your files are confidential so you need to password protect them. You can upload them on any online file converter as you aren’t sure of the security.
With Filestar, you are guaranteed that your confidential files are secure and you can achieve all you need in a few seconds. For instance, you can:
- Convert Word to PDF and vice-versa
- Merge PDF
- Split PDF
- Protect PDF
2. Image files conversion
Your image and photo files need to be organized and in one format for case file documentation. Filestar enables you to convert Raw camera photos into PNG or other image formats as well as convert them into PDF documents.
3. Transforming image files
In front of a jury or a judge, a picture is worth a thousand words. They tell stories words wouldn’t capture. You might have to add date and time on images, organize your images chronologically among other image tasks. With Filestar, all you need is a few clicks and voila!! You can:
- Rename files
- Add text to images
4. Video files
You may have to record a witness testimony and use it as an exhibit during a court session. You might even attend mock trials that need to be recorded and saved for future reference. Video files are usually huge to send on emails and you need to compress them before sharing. Additionally, you can only store too many videos on your PC and you need to archive most of them to save space.
Filestar can help you handle the below batch file operations effortlessly.
- Convert video file
- Compress video
- Archive video files
- Change resolution