Filestar for Insurance Companies
So many things to do and so little time to do them. Sounds familiar? Well, for an insurance company being busy isn’t something to complain about. In fact, it is an indication of many proposals and quotations to proposals to deliver. Chaos reigns! Or at least that’s what an insurance agent feels most of the time. From visiting prospects to creating policies, making cold calls, follow-ups, admin work, sales, and the list still goes on.
So, how do you ensure your agents keep their heads above the water while most insurance agents are drowning? We are in the digital era and every single person is leveraging on this. Why not do the same? Automate the routine tasks and stop wasting time on them. Trust us, you are never too cool to get a little help. Plus, everyone needs rest to function optimally and produce quality work.
Read on to see some of our productivity hacks that will help you manage your time more effectively.
PDF file handling
PDF files are a guarantee in any insurance business. From the proposals to quotations, policies, and contracts, it’s PDF through and through. You get to send and receive so many scanned documents as PDF files or JPEG. You may also need to merge some documents, extract some pages and add others. Or convert the reports you created on Word to PDF and vice versa. Also, you may need to protect the files with confidential and private messages from prying eyes.
Filestar helps you automate these tasks and achieve them within a few minutes. Let’s give you some examples with what you can do to PDF files.
- Convert Word to PDF
- Convert JPEG to PDF
- Merge PDF
- Split PDF
- Protect PDF
- Extract pages from PDF
Image file conversions
In the event of any type of accident or theft photos are taken to showing before and after. You have to convert the images to similar file formats for case documentation. With Filestar, you can convert your images to any format in a matter of seconds, for instance these:
- Convert RAW image files to PNG
- Convert PNG to PDF
Transform images
One of the most efficient communication methods is photography or imagery. Your pictures give off different vibes when added texts, brightness, effects, filters, color saturation, greyscale, cropped, etc. Besides, image organization is key as you don’t want to spend hours looking for a photo. Filestar lets you transform your images smoothly in a few minutes. For instance, you could try out these skills:
- Rename image files
- Add texts
- Add filters/effects
- Crop images
- Change saturation
Do you have other things you’d like to do to a file that you can’t find in Filestar, let us know! Happy converting!